What if you could get an insider look at — and avoid! — some of the most common email marketing mistakes from 7-figure earners?
In this 50-minute, on-demand video training, Allea Grummert — owner of Duett and 5-year+ email marketing strategist, conversion copywriter, and tech expert for bloggers and online businesses such as Pinch of Yum, Alexandra Cooks, Food Blogger Pro and more — will expose 7 specific mistakes that, once fixed, will positively impact your connection with your email subscribers, boost brand loyalty and list engagement, and make sure that you're optimizing your email marketing strategy to its fullest!
You'll learn:
- One practical thing you can do today to provide a better first impression to your newest subscribers
- Simplifying segmentation and how to use to its full potential
- Strategies to improve your subscriber's experience using tags
- How to actually improve your open rates (and save on how much you’re spending on email) by clearing off cold subscribers
- The tangible how-to solutions you need to actually fix these mistakes
PLUS you'll get SIX Bonus Resources: How-to PDF and video tutorials that will help you implement these strategies and optimize your email marketing right away.
This presentation was originally created and presented to a mastermind of 7-figure content creators at Craft + Commerce 2023. Now you can learn what they did!