What should be in your welcome sequence?

Hey Reader,

Here’s the thing about automated welcome and nurture sequences — they create a repeatable, consistent way to explain to your email subscribers about who you are, what you’ll be sending and how’ll provide value in their lives.

This way, no matter WHEN someone joins your list, they’ll get a crystal clear understanding of what you do (and what you don’t), what content you share (and what they’ll be getting), and any products or services you want to make known.

Your welcome sequence

  • Shares why your readers are in the right place, based on how they probably landed on your website
  • Introduces you (yes, no hiding!)
  • Asks subscribers to connect with you on other platforms (subscribing to a podcast, following you on social media)
  • Clearly states how you hope to help them through your content, resources or offers

For more details: What to Include in a One-Email Welcome Sequence

Your nurture sequence

  • Sends your best content to subscribers (think, popular blog posts or videos)
  • Connects them to related funnels (like a free opt-in that leads to a product offer)
  • Maintains consistency for new subscribers on your list (even if you’re “less than consistent” when sending emails regularly)

Plus, there are some pretty sweet perks to making this introduction to new subscribers clearly and quickly:

For my Duett welcome sequence, I want to make sure new subscribers understand that:

  1. My specialty is welcome and nurture sequences. I don’t share content on ALL things related to email marketing. You won’t get emails from me teaching on lead magnets, WordPress plugins or integrations, or even copywriting techniques.
  2. I want you to share your message imperfectly rather than not at all. Everything you have in your head or on your website is valuable and your email subscribers want to hear from you, so it’s important we get your message OUT into the world (even if it’s not perfect).
  3. I base my work on data — audience research — and not “on a whim” or trendy “creative” ideas.
  4. I provide done-for-you email marketing services for bloggers and creative business owners.

I shared about these things in my welcome sequence even before I had a single opt-in, blog post or resource to share. (I didn’t have a blog on my site until 6 months later!)

And then my nurture sequence is made up of repurposed email content.

Even if you don’t have this kind of focus developed yet, that’s okay! You’ll work it out with practice.

Start here — in terms of YOUR blog or business….

What are the 1-3 things you think every one of your subscribers should know — about you, your niche or your product — when they join your list?

Reply back to this email to let me know!

Let’s Duett,


Email Marketing for Bloggers

Write and automate emails that engage readers, build brand loyalty and optimize conversions for sales and site traffic. My emails and resources will equip you with email marketing strategies, copywriting tips and automation how-tos!

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