4 things you can do to skip the spam folder

I’m a proud affiliate of ConvertKit — and have been a happy user since 2017. There are affiliate links in this email, which means I will receive a small commission if you choose to sign up using any of them (at no additional cost to you!).

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Hey Reader!

Are your subscribers getting your emails?

Today I’m sharing FOUR things you can do to make sure your message lands in your subscribers’ inboxes.

You ready?

01 | Create a welcome sequence (it can even be just one email!) that introduces yourself to new subscribers

This simple introduction will ensure your readers “meet” you — so that when you land in their inbox a few days (or weeks) later, you’re not some stranger and they’re left wondering, “Who is this person and how did they get my email?”


So first things first, make sure you find a way to introduce yourself to new subscribers — here are some ideas:

The Welcome Page: A Solid Way To Introduce Yourself To New Subscribers (Even Before They Get Your First Email)

What to Include in a One-Email Welcome Sequence

What Core Details To Include In Your Welcome And Nurture Email Sequences

02 | Regularly send your email subscribers stellar content!

Send content that you promised your subscribers that you would — and send it consistently.

If you fall off the wagon of emailing your list, it’s harder to get back into the swing of things… and your subscribers may forget who you are during your absence. Eek, we don’t want that!

RSS feeds are not a cop-out. If you’re too busy to craft and send an email each week, it’s a solid way to stay in your subscribers’ inboxes — so they get an email with each new blog post you publish — and you only have to set it up once!

Are RSS Feed Emails Right for You? Explore How RSS Emails Can Connect You With Subscribers Quickly & Consistently

If you’re only waiting to email your list until you’ve got something to sell them, that’s going to skyrocket your unsubscribe rate. Plus, it’s just bad for sales — what you should be doing is keeping your list warm, happy and engaged ALL the time, not just when you have something to promote.

Here are some more ideas on how to stay connected with your list consistently:

3 Email Strategies That Boost Consistent Web Traffic for Bloggers and Content Creators

How to Use a Content Bank to Organize Your Email Marketing Content and Streamline Your Message

03 | Clear out your cold, inactive subscribers

A “cold” subscriber is someone who is no longer active on your email list. They don’t open your emails, click your emails or fully engage with what you’re sending out.

Keeping cold subscribers on your email list has its downsides — like impacting your engagement data and the actual delivery of your emails. If they’re not getting opened, inboxes think you’re sending spam (oh no!)

Here’s how to fix that:

How to Re-engage and Remove Cold Email Subscribers and Boost Your Email List Engagement

04 | Use an email service platform with high deliverability

Your best defense against the spam folder is to use an email service provider with high delivery rates and standards. ConvertKit is what I use, and deliverability is only one of the many reasons I love this platform.

In fact, the delivery rate across all ConvertKit users was 99.8% in January 2022.

ConvertKit’s high deliverability rate guarantees my messages land right where they need to be — your inbox.

When more of YOUR emails get delivered, that means more opportunities for your subscribers to see your name and email IN their inbox, so they can open it and engage with you!

Curious to learn more about ConvertKit’s solid deliverability rates and what this means for content creators like you and me? Click here to browse their most recent deliverability reports for details.

And if you want to create a ConvertKit account and start building an email list and sending high-value emails to your subscribers, here’s my affiliate link to get you free access (for as long as you want, there’s no time limit!).

Do you have a question about how ConvertKit works? Reply to this email with any questions you have, and I’m happy to answer them!

Let’s Duett,


Email Marketing for Bloggers

Write and automate emails that engage readers, build brand loyalty and optimize conversions for sales and site traffic. My emails and resources will equip you with email marketing strategies, copywriting tips and automation how-tos!

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